What is the Illowa APBA League?
The Illowa APBA League is a face to face league that uses the basic (dice) version
of the APBA baseball game. We've been around since 1975. We have
managers throughout Illinois and one in Iowa (see map). We play a 162 game
schedule. Our 10-team
league has playoffs and a World Series as well as a mid-season All-Star Game.
For those not familiar with the APBA baseball
game, it is a baseball
simulation game which uses dice, cards and boards. The cards
represent Major League Baseball players and statistically perform similar
to how the actual player did in real life. The object of the game is
to simulate a baseball game by rolling dice and referring to the cards and
boards and obtaining play results.
The IAL is a continuous ownership (keeper) league and we have a rookie draft each year
before the season starts. Trades are an important part of IAL's
For more information on how we run our league, see our constitution.
Managers in the IAL are committed to the league and keep stats and write
articles. But mostly, we're in it to have fun!